Solfege is a useful tool that is used to help people understand the fundamentals of music. It uses specific solfege syllables to signify pitches and also helps in reading and understanding the sound of music in a very simple way. The solfege syllable is commonly “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and ti” respectively, or fixed-do system where each of the Sol-fa syllables is always assigned to a given note of the C major and its chromatic inflections.
The following are solfege to seven popular songs and their lyrics in case you are not sure so sure of the lyrics, it is carefully simplified in solfege syllables in order to make it easier to sing and to read.
Table of Contents
“Happy birthday” is one of the songs that is popularly sung across the world. It is created by Kindergarten teachers, Patty and Mildred Hill in Kentucky for one of their students during a birthday celebration. This song is mostly sung in the English language and has remained a staple over the years to be sung on birthdays all over. It is played using C major specifically.
400;”>Happy birthday to you,
400;”>Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday solfege syllables goes as follows:
Hap py birth day to you
Sol Sol La Sol Do Ti
Hap py birth day to you
Sol Sol La Sol Re Do
Hap py bith day hap ppy
Sol Sol Sol Mi Do Ti
Birth day hap py birth day
La Fa Fa Mi Do Re
To you
Re Do
The 3 major notes that are used in this song are C major, D major, and E major 9( solfege: Do Re Mi only)
“Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
400;”>Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow”
Ma ry had a lit tle lamb
Mi Re Do Re Mi Mi Mi
Lit tle lamb lit tle lamb
Re Re Re Mi Sol Sol
Ma ry had a lit tle lamb
Mi Re Do Re Mi Mi Mi
Its fleece was white as snow
Re Re Re Mi Re Do
Can’t stop the feeling is still one of the songs that most students still know due to the direct relationship with Trolls movie. This song is basically enjoyable and fun to do and also based on a minor scale.
I got that sunshine in my pocket;
Got that good song in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops,
I can’t take my eyes up off it, moving phenomenally
You gon like the way we rock it,
So don’t stop.
Got that sun shine in my poc ket
Sol La Do La Do La Do La
I Got that good song in my feet
Sol La Do La Do Do Mi Sol
Got t his fee ling in my bo dy
Mi Mi mi
All-star is also a popular song because it is presented in the kid’s movie called Shrek, and it’s status as a consistent “meme”. Most children would love to listen to it even though, it is an old song.
Some bo dy once told me the world was gon na roll me
do sol mi mi re do do fa mi mi re re do
I ain’t the sharp est tool in the shed she was look ing
do sol mi mi re re do do la sol sol mi mi
Kind of dumb with her fin ger and her thumb in the shape
mi re re do do fa mi mi re re do do sol
Of an L on her for head
mi mi re do do re la
Hey now you are an all star
Mi do do la la do do
Get your game on go play
Do la do do do mi
Hey now you are a rock star
mi do do do la do do
Get the show on get paid
Do la do do do mi
All that glit ters is gold
mi sol fa mi re do
On ly shoo ting sta rs
Do do re do mi re
Break the mo ld
Re do re la
Twinkle twinkle little star is a melodious and popular song, that is mostly sung by kindergarten children. It uses C major generally and uses only 6 notes which are DO, RE MI, FA, SOL, AND LA.
The solfege still remains the same even if it is played using A major, D major, C major, or G major and it is popularly sung right from the 19th century till date.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Twin kle twin kle lit tle star
Do do sol sol la la do
How I won der what you are
Fa fa mi mi re re do
Up a bove the world so high
Sol sol fa fa mi mi re
Like a dia mond in the sky
Sol sol fa fa mi mi re
Twin kle twin kle lit tle star
Do do sol sol la la so
How I wo der what you are
Fa fa mi mi re re do
Baby shark is also among the popular songs selected and it is usually sung for babies and children. The solfege is simple and precise to play.
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mummy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo
Ba by shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Sol la do do do do do do do do
Mum my shar doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Do re fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
Lightly row is the last on the selected popular song, it is mostly played using C major and is also easy to play on a minor scale.
Lightly row lightly row,
O’er the shinning waves we go.
Smoothly glide, smoothly glide
On the silent tide.
Ligh tly row ligh tly row
Sol mi mi mi fa re
O’ er the shin ing waves we go
Do re sol sol sol mi mi mi
Smooth ly glide smooth ly glide
Do mi sol sol mi mi mi re
On the si lent tide
Do mi sol mi mi